Boost Blog Traffic With Five Easy Steps

With a new blog it can be difficult to gain traffic right away. It can take awhile for your site to be found. Luckily there are some easy ways to ensure that readers will find your fantastic content! See how to easily boost blog traffic.

How To Boost Blog Traffic

Before doing anything else, make sure to install some wordpress plugins that will help with SEO. You want to have your site optimized for search engines so that readers can find you. It also goes without saying that you need to write quality content that will engage readers. However, after doing those things there are still ways to advertise your content.

Now you are ready for these tips that will really boost blog traffic.

1. Get Social

If you haven’t already done so, create some social media accounts for your blog. Facebook, Google +, and Twitter are great ways to promote your content. If you have a lot of shareable images, Pinterest is also a great way to get your work seen and boost blog traffic.

Once you have these accounts established, make sure that you have a way for readers to easily share your content. Use a plugin, such as Add To Any Share Buttons, to share content.

2. Get Email Subscribers

It’s important to start collecting email addresses as soon as possible. This is a way for you to send new content directly to a list of people instead of waiting for them to come to you.

It’s easy to manage subscribers and newsletters with the plugin, Email Subscribers and Newsletters.

3. Take Part In Link Parties

If you have a food or decorating blog, link parties are a great way to get your posts in front of a large amount of like minded people. This Link Party List, by days of the week, will get you started.

4. Keep Creating New Content

When you started your blog, you probably had an audience in mind. Remember that audience and keep giving them fresh content. Don’t just write any old post and hit publish. Make sure that you are producing quality posts that will keep readers coming back.

It’s also important to develop a blogging schedule and keep to it. Your audience will then know how often they can come back for new content. Ideally, you would be posting every day. However, if you can only post one to three times a week, readers will get used to that and know when to visit.

5. Create A Favicon

For those that don’t know, a favicon is the little icon next to the site name in a browser tab.

boost blog traffic with favicons



This little icon may not seem like a big deal but your readers will get used to seeing it and identify it with your blog. If they bookmark your site, they will be able to easily identify your site in their bookmarks just by looking at the icon. This is often a better for readers than having to read all of the site names. Because of that, return traffic is easier.

How To Know If You Are Building Blog Traffic

To easily monitor your blog traffic, I would recommend having your Google Analytics right on your WordPress dashboard. Just install the Google Analytics Dashboard For WP plugin and you’ll have all the traffic information at your fingertips.

Of course you can also check your traffic stats via your hosting cpanel.

If you would like to see more blogging tips, please follow me on Facebook or subscribe to my newsletter.



Creating rustic styling on a budget by giving new life to old things and using the beauty that is already found in nature. Read more about me.
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