With Fall soon approaching, I have bonfires, pumpkins, warm sweaters, and fresh decor projects on my mind. I’m thinking out with the bright and airy decor from summer and in with the warm and rustic. For Fall especially, I like to incorporate a lot of items from nature. This is what led me to use acorn tops to create my own kind of DIY acorns.
Although I like the look of natural acorns, I sometimes feel like a need just a little more oomph to use them in decorating. I have painted acorns, in the past, and have been happy with the look. You just need to clean and dry the acorns before using them in a craft project.
This year I wanted a version of acorn that was a little more chic looking. I have a collection of colorful vintage marbles that I’ve wanted to display. Instead of just plopping them into a bowl, I thought I would make some acorns using the marbles as the nut. All I needed to collect outside were some fallen acorn tops. I have also had tops come easily off acorns when I go through the cleaning and drying process.

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How I Turned Marbles Into Acorns
This is a quick and easy project. All you need are marbles and acorn tops. I had a little bit of a hard time finding fallen acorns this year. Some years are just better than other years. However, I just found out that you can actually purchase just the natural acorn tops from Amazon. This is great news for me because I want to make a lot more than just a little handful!
Here is what I had to work with from my search outside. I’m hoping a longer walk in the woods will yield me some more. However, if not it’s nice to know that I can purchase some.

I purchased the marbles from an antique store but I found real similar ones on Amazon.
Now it was just a matter of gluing the marbles to the acorn caps. Any good tacky glue will work for this. The key is to have one that dries quickly. I actually used a fabric adhesive for this and it worked fantastic.
Once I had a marble acorn glued, I propped it onto a candle container to dry and went on to the next one. Luckily they didn’t take long at all to dry.

Finished DIY Acorns Ready For Display
Finding a fun way to display the acorns wasn’t hard. I have a favorite dish that is toted by two silver rabbits. Previously, I had candy in the dish but colorful shiny acorns is a better option for my diet! Plus, it gives me a nice touch of Fall decor to get me ready for the season.