If you have a lot of jewelry, you know how quickly it become a tangled mess if you’re not careful. I have had a variety of jewelry boxes and find that the more separate hooks, compartments and drawers there are, the better. However, because of space, sometimes a little different way to hold jewelry is needed. I know that I don’t have a ton of room for large boxes. Because of this, I have had to get creative for the way I store and display my jewelry holders. I came up with a few different DIY jewelry holders that work well for organized storage.
DIY Jewelry Holders
Wine Cork Necklace Hooks
I have hung necklaces on the wall with this DIY cork board jewelry holder that I made for inside my closet. It doesn’t take up any space and I can have my favorite necklaces right at eye level for easy access. This jewelry holder was made up of entirely repurposed items so it was free to make. The wine corks are a long enough length to keep the necklaces from slipping off.
BY: Rustic Crafts And Chic Decor
Vintage Pant Hanger Jewelry Holder
I have also used vintage wooden pants hangers and old cabinet knobs to make hanging jewelry holders that can either hang from the wall or a clothes rod.
BY: Rustic Crafts And Chic Decor
You can get a creative rustic look by distress painting the hanger. Also, if a plain cabinet knob doesn’t add enough style, layer the knob with things like buttons and old typewriter keys.
Repurposed Cable Bracelet Tree
My most recent DIY jewelry holder is for a table top and is a fun whimsical piece. It is made from a large industrial cable that was split apart to form the image of a tree. My husband welded this to a metal base, another piece of scrap metal, so that it sits nice and sturdy. I had coated the whole thing with lacquer to protect it and give it a nice glossy finish.
BY: Rustic Crafts And Chic Decor
This one is just the right size for hanging bracelets. You could make one for necklaces by just cutting the cable longer. We have a metal cutting chop saw that works perfectly for this.
More DIY Jewelry Holders
I also found some very creative jewelry holder tutorials to share. These are either made from repurposing items from around the house or from items found in nature. Like the DIY jewelry holders above, these also are very inexpensive to make.
Old Cheese Grater Jewelry Holder

Old cheese graters are super popular to repurpose into handy earring holders. I especially love the rustic look of this one with the aged metal patina.
Make A Jewelry Holder Out Of A Cutlery Tray

It makes total sense to use a cutlery tray on the wall for storing jewelry. Just add hooks inside the cubbies and you have a great way to organize in sections. I really like the idea of hanging jewelry instead of storing it flat. With flat drawers or cubbies, you still can end up with a tangled mess.
Leather And Twig Jewelry Holder

Another way to get jewelry organized and at eye level is to hang a twig from leather straps. The look is so minimalist and rustic. Just attach hooks to the branch and hang your favorite jewelry.
Painted Driftwood Jewelry Holder

I love to decorate with driftwood on it’s own. However, this project steps the look up a notch. By painting colorful stripes, the driftwood looks even more like a work of art. Who wouldn’t want to hang jewelry and scarves from such a pretty piece.
DIY Birch Branch Jewelry Holder

If you can’t find driftwood to make a jewelry holder, you can always use a branch. I am quite partial to birch branches so I especially like this easy design. You could also use a straight branch but a forked branch just adds more design interest.
Floor Sample Jewelry Holder

The next time that you’re shopping for flooring, hang on to those wooden floor samples! You can create something fun with the various shades of wood. This DIY jewelry holder looks both whimsical and rustic with the different shades of wood and placement of the hanging bolts.
Rake Necklace Holder

A rake works perfectly for holding lots of necklaces. Just hang it on the wall, without the handle, for a creative solution. Use an old unpainted vintage rake for a more rustic look.
DIY Antler Jewelry Holder

I just found a use for all of my husband’s antlers! Displaying jewelry on painted antlers is super artistic. What a fun design to add to the top of a dresser.
DIY jewelry holders can really be made from anything that you can put a hook. Items like antlers, branches, and wire naturally allow the draping of jewelry just by the design. Do you have any ideas for DIY jewelry holders that you would like to share?