If you like bird watching, you probably want to attract as many different species of birds to your yard as possible. A sure way to get them to come and visit is to provide them with food. They learn fast where their food sources are! Once you set out a bird feeder or two, just sit back and watch them fly in. You don’t even have to go out and buy new feeders because it’s super easy to make your own. Homemade bird feeders not only cost less than most store bought ones but they can also create a unique visual statement in your backyard. Most of these DIY bird feeder ideas use some sort of recycled material in the construction. All of them are creative and unique.

When I was searching for DIY bird feeder crafts, my goal was to find inexpensive yet attractive bird feeders for the yard. That is why many of these feeders use recycled material, which is about the cheapest way to go. Here is what I found for the best bird feeders to make.
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Acorn Bird Feeder Craft

Upcycle an old wood bowl to make this super cute and creative acorn bird feeder. Just attach wire mest to the inside of the bowl and fill with your favorite seed.
Wine Bottle DIY Bird Feeder

This is such a fun bird feeder idea! All you need is a little bit of wood, an empty wine bottle and an extra wine glass. The birds will surely cheer this project!
Heart Shape DIY Suet Cakes

Suet cakes also don’t have to be boring. They don’t even need a wire mesh container to hang in. Make up your own suet and form it into a shape with a mold like this sweet heart. An added branch makes the perfect rustic perch for birds to set on. A hole in the middle of suet makes it easy to hang by stringing through a strand of twine.
Oranges For Bird Suet

Here is an idea if you don’t want to make a mold for your suet. Use oranges to either hold suet or loose bird seed. These look especially nice in the winter hanging from pine trees.
Coffee Can Bird Feeder

Using a recycled coffee can, craft sticks, and a tray or old pie plate, you can create a super cute feeder for your backyard for very little cost.
Easy Mason Jar Bird Feeder

You can’t get any easier than gluing a dowell to the side of a mason jar. However, the leather strap adds rustic elegance to this bird feeder.
DIY Bird Feeder From A Recycled Milk Jug

This DIY bird feeder is made from a recycled jug and is one of my favorites. Not only is it a great way to repurpose but it looks great too! The twig roof and pebble entrance give it a nice rustic feel. The tutorial is easy to follow and understand, making it possible for anyone to create this wonderful design.
DIY Tin Can Flower Bird Feeder

Who knew that old tin cans could make such cute and colorful bird feeders? These will brighten up any spot in the backyard.
Simple Recycled Plate Design

This ceramic plate bird feeder makes an easy landing for birds to perch. If you have a mismatched plate, that you no longer need, repurposing it for the birds is a perfect idea. However, if you don’t have a spare plate, you can still do this project very inexpensively. Simply purchase a plate from the dollar store or a thrift store. I particularly like the ceramic bird, sitting on top of the plate, ready to greet his feathered friends.
Hang A Clay Saucer

A similar design to using a ceramic plate is this idea using a grapevine wreath and a clay pot saucer. The wreath gives a nice decorative border to the clay saucer. Here, the jute or twine is braided for a stronger hold than a single strand. Check out the tutorial for the dimensions and instructions. And, if you would prefer a bird bath, simply fill the saucer with water instead of bird seed!
Whimsical Cup And Saucer DIY Bird Feeder

This up-cycled tea cup bird feeder is so whimsical and fun. It certainly gives a cup and saucer a great new use. Watch the video tutorial for the detailed instructions.
Use A Variety Of Recycled Containers

Who would have known that this happy feeder was once a McDonald’s happy meal bucket and a plastic mayonnaise jar? This is a great example of how almost anything goes when creating a bird feeder. Hopefully this spurs on even more ideas for containers that can be recycled into feeders.
Clay Pot Bird Feeder Idea

I have seen many bird feeders made from clay pots but I especially like this one. I like the fact that an orchid pot already has the pre-drilled holes. This is actually pretty easy to make. There are many different ways to decorate pots as well with paint, stones, sea shells or branches.
Two Frisbees Equals One Bird Feeder

Do you have a couple of old frisbees lying around? Repurpose them into a colorful bird feeder for your yard.
Natural Pine Cone Bird Feeder

I had to include a rustic and natural bird feeder in this collection. Pine cones make a great base for attaching seed. This is a great craft for kids and can be used with bagels and paper tubes as additional ideas. Just coat the object with peanut butter and seeds, hang from a tree, and enjoy all of the bird traffic to come.
It is relaxing ‘bird watching’. We have some amazing colorful birds here. Yes like Melissa says they sure do eat an awful lot. Cheers SpecialK XoXo
Hey SpecialK! I’m not familiar with the birds in Brisbane but it sounds like the big appetite is universal!
Thank You for sharing.
I love the #1 feeder and #8.
You can never have to many feeders in the Winter. I pare down to 2 or 3 in the Summer as they would eat me out of house and feed if I left more up.
think Spring,
I know! I love watching all of the birds come in especially in the Winter. We have a lot of pretty fat squirrels though too!