Although recycling old credit cards can be a tricky business, there is the option to simply repurpose them. I like to recycle credit cards in decorative craft projects. In fact, any plastic cards such as fulfilled gift cards, membership cards or even hotel keys also make a great crafting material. With all of the different colors and patterns, plastic cards can be cut up and used to decorate or make a variety of different household items.
How many times have you opened up a new store credit card, to get a nice discount, but then never use them again? I had been guilty of this. Another bad habit that I have is forgetting to leave my hotel key behind. My purse is like a portable trash can of unwanted plastic cards. Once I cleaned out my wallet and purse, I decided that it would be a good idea to do something creative with all of those cards.

How To Recycle Credit Cards Creatively
When you think about the craft supplies that we use to decorate with, like paint or paper, there are ways to use plastic cards instead. My favorite way is to cut them up and use them in a mosaic pattern to add color and texture. Here are a few creative examples of how to recycle credit cards in craft projects.
Decorate Unfinished Wood
You can purchase a variety of different unfinished wood objects at any craft store. The common thought is to paint or stain the items to finish them. However, using plastic cards is a great way to also add a fun texture. I used them to decorate an unfinished bird feeder.
Plastic Card Bird Feeder Roof

Since I had a large variety of plastic cards, I was able to achieve a colorful design. I tried to stagger the cards so the colors were intermingled. It was super easy to decorate this bird feeder roof because there were already wood slats in the design. All I had to do was cut the cards to match the wood slat and then glue them in place with tacky glue.

Mosaic Picture Frame

Here is an example of recycling credit cards to make a fun mosaic picture frame. Just card your cards in small pieces, mix up the colors, and attach to an unfinished wood frame with glue. This idea would be fun to do for drink coasters as well. Use the same technique but on small squares of wood.
Recycled Plastic Cards Into Handy Tags

For those cards without embossing, you can make tags by painting them with chalkboard paint. Drill a small hole in the cards for gift tags or luggage tags. You could also make plant markers by attaching the painted cards to a stick or dowel. No need to drill a hole for those!
Another option to the chalkboard paint for gift tags is to cover the cards with decorative paper like I did with these cardstock tags.
Make Jewelry With Recycled Credit Cards

Fun quirky jewelry can really make a statement. This bracelet is easy to make with a drill to make holes and jewelry loops to connect the card pieces together.
Turn Old Gift Cards Into Cute Mini Notebooks

Here is a fun idea for creating mini notebooks. You do need a binding tool for this project but it might be worth getting just to make these. I would think that these would be a great craft item to make and sell. They would definitely appeal to someone with a favorite store.
what can I use to make the round circles? I like that shape
you could also save the emptied gift cards to use – some of them have really pretty designs! Usually stores keep and through out when they are empty. Love the ideas here – hate how much we through away and always looking for nice ways to recycle!
You are right Lynsey, emptied gift cards would be great to use! A good thing to keep in mind with Christmas right around the corner 🙂