You may be wondering what cottagecore exactly is and how it applies to cabin decorating. I’ll explain the meaning and give inspiration for applying this trend to your cabin or rustic home.
When I first heard of the cottagecore trend, it sounded to me like something very similar to a rustic chic decorating style. I then realized that I have already incorporated a lot of this style into my own cabin interior. I’m all about light and airy homemade decor to bring about a fresh and nostalgic feeling.

Cottagecore Meaning
Cottagecore is an aesthetic that depicts a simple lifestyle that is serene and calm. Think back to basics or homemade and homegrown. In home decorating that might mean creating your own decor from nature or using nature inspired fabrics in sewing projects like pillows. You may see a lot of light and flowery accessories that remind you of a quaint and peaceful cottage.
This trend really seemed to take off with the COVID lockdown. With more time spent at home, many have turned to a more homey and simplified lifestyle. Decorating has become more hands on with the time available for DIY and craft projects. And of course, nature is so calming that it makes sense to incorporate more of it into the home as a stress reducer. The home has definitely become more of a haven.
With Spring in the air, it’s a good time of year to bring on everything light and flowery and cottagecore. A similar trend is cabincore which is a bit warmer and perfect for the Fall and Winter seasons. I like to think of cottagecore as the chic and cabincore the rustic. Both of them stem from simpler living.
Ways To Create A Cottagecore Aesthetic
Although a cottagecore style is a simpler look, that doesn’t mean it is minimalistic. It is far from sterile with plenty of cozy accents and finishes. The style is also affordable and gratifying. Since there are so many ways to create your own decor, you get a better sense of enjoyment for what you display. Here are some easy ways to get the style from homemade accents that are easy to make. Some ideas are as simple as displaying what you have grown in the garden!
Fresh Flower Arrangements

You can’t get more of a romantic cottage feel than when bringing in fresh cut flowers. I have a wildflower garden, that I started from seed, which brings me so much pleasure. Flower gardening in itself is a peaceful activity but you get the added benefit of enjoying the beauty of the fresh cuts inside the home. By displaying flowers in vintage milk glass vases you get double the cottagecore aesthetic. There is so much nostalgia in vintage decorating.
Nature Inspired Sewing Projects

Like gardening, hobbies like sewing are part of a cottagecore lifestyle. This fabric bird is handsewn and also is perched on a piece of driftwood to bring in more nature. A simpler project could be a throw pillow made with light and flowery fabrics that depict a cottage style.
No Sew Fabric Project

Even if you don’t own a sewing machine or like to sew, you can still incorporate cottagey fabrics into your home. This window swag is made with fabric scraps and no sewing is involved. It’s more of a tying together of fabrics and vintage accessories.
Nature Crafts

Bring in a little of that outdoor nature to add a breath of fresh air to your interior decor. I love using birch in decorating and it’s really quite easy to make your own lamp with a log. Add a little romance to the project by woodburning or carving a message on the log.
Add Some Vintage Accessories

Adding a few vintage accessories brings about a feeling of nostalgia and simpler times. Flea markets and antiques stores are full of goodies that you would want to display in your home.
Inspirational Cottagecore Style Rooms
Now that you get an idea of what cottagecore is and also how to create your own decor, here are some room examples to provide further inspiration.
Cottage Kitchen

This kitchen is so homey and fresh. It definitely reminds you of simpler times and wholesome living. It’s easy to picture yourself baking or canning in this cottagecore kitchen. The red and white check rug is such a quaint touch for this heart of the home space.
Cottagecore Bathroom Space

Soft colors and chippy cabinets are also great ways to incorporate that cottagecore feel. It’s funny how the vintage items just draw you in and make you feel cozy. Who wouldn’t love that feeling?
Quaint Bedroom Space

Besides the fabrics used, the green washed walls add extra coziness while still be fresh.