Rustic Tree Topper Ideas

Just like icing on a cake, a Christmas tree topper really puts the emphasis on your overall tree style. When you plan for a warm country Christmas theme, a rustic tree topper is a must. Although there are plenty of traditional ideas with a rustic twist, there are also plenty of unique ways that you can top your rustic Christmas tree. Besides tree toppers that you can buy, these ideas also show you how you can use salvaged metal, reclaimed wood, or nature items to top your tree in style.

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Rustic Tree Toppers To Purchase

Typically, when you think of the top of your Christmas tree, you imagine a traditional star or angel. These are still great ways to top of your tree. And, you can definitely find versions is a rustic style. Here are some of my favorite traditional toppers for sale.

natural rattan star with red berries lighted tree topper
Lighted Natural Rattan Star With Red Berries from Amazon

This star has warm and rustic written all over it! The natural look of the rattan is a perfect highlight for your rustic Christmas tree. Plus, the red berries illuminated by the clear lights add a subtle pop of color to the tree.

burlap and metal star rustic tree topper
Burlap And Metal Star from Amazon

Burlap is definitely a favorite material in rustic decorating. This burlap and metal rustic star topper sets the right tone for the rest of the tree.

An angel can still look pure even if it’s not in all white. The simple design of this rustic industrial angel is sure to provide warmth and joy to your tree.

More Creative Toppers For The Tree

Top A Tree With Rustic Antlers

You often see antlers in rustic decorating so why not use them to top your Christmas tree?

I used antlers to top our cabin tree last year. Instead of the antlers standing above or on top of the tree, mine cradled the top stem. I simply tucked them into the branches at the top.

Rusted Salvaged Metal Tree Topper

rusted salvaged metal tree topper
SOURCE: Funky Junk Interiors

Add some rustic charm to the top of your tree by incorporating a little salvaged metal. This tree topper is an old cultivator blade! The pointed ends remind you of a star.

Bird House At The Top Of The Tree

bird house Christmas tree topper
SOURCE: Pretty Handy Girl

A rustic bird house makes a pretty topper for the Christmas tree. You don’t even have to build your own. Just purchase an unfinished bird house and paint it in your desired colors.

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Creating rustic styling on a budget by giving new life to old things and using the beauty that is already found in nature. Read more about me.
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