This time of year, most all of my decorating efforts go to the porch or deck. Since the majority of our time will be spent outdoors, I like to dress up our outdoor seating areas. Today's focus is going to be on backyard decks. There are lots of ideas for freshening up the space that
Mothers Day DIY Gift Ideas
What could be a better gift for mom than something handmade? There are plenty of craft ideas that make fantastic gifts for mom. From flowers to foot soaks or candles to sachets, luxurious gifts can all be handmade. I've rounded up ten of my favorite DIY gift ideas. This collection of mothers day DIY projects
Things To Make With Popsicle Sticks
I have always loved the basket that my daughter made for me out of popsicle sticks when she was in elementary school. In fact, I still use it in my craft room for storing twine. It got me thinking that there are probably lots of cool things to make with popsicle sticks. Things that you
Things To Make Out Of Cardboard Boxes
It occurred to me the other day, that right now people may be getting a lot of in home deliveries. That means we could all be getting a little overloaded with cardboard boxes. Since I like to upcycle so much, I figured it would be good to put that cardboard to use. That is why
DIY Fabric Crafts For Rustic Decor
Making things with fabric is always a satisfying project. If you are like me, you probably have a large stash of fabric and scraps that are just screaming to be made into something. Or, if you don't have fabric but still want to make something, just take a look in your closet. Chances are that
Rustic Spring Decor Ideas And DIY
When it comes to Spring decorating, there are probably more ways than you realize to give your decor a rustic flair. All of the same elements that you use for everyday rustic decor can be incorporated into some fresh Spring pieces. Things like burlap, twine, book pages, nature, antiques, and metal can all be used
DIY Home Bar From An Old Dresser
Have you ever thought of making a DIY home bar using an old dresser as it's base? That is exactly what we did to create a bar area in the upstairs of our cabin garage. I had an old dresser that I didn't know what to do with and thought it would be a great
DIY Indoor Herb Garden With Tin Cans
I love cooking with fresh herbs and have always thought about making my own herb garden. It's really so easy that I don't know why I didn't do it sooner. Maybe it's because most plants, that I'm in charge of, have a very short life expectancy! I'm determined to turn over a new leaf though
18 Milk Jug Crafts For Home And Garden
Today I am featuring 18 creative and useful milk jug crafts that you can use around the house. These will make you think twice before throwing away your plastic jugs. There is so much I love about recycled crafts. You save room in the landfills, you get a brand new upcycled item, and the cost
Easy Art Projects For Kids
What do you do when you have kids stuck at home with nothing to do? Get them involved with art! There are so many fun and creative projects that they can do that might even keep them busy for hours. Not only will they stay busy but they'll also be rewarded with their own piece
Must Have Rustic Craft Supplies
A well stocked craft room is so nice to have when you get the urge to start creating. Sometimes I figure out what to make based on what supplies I have on hand. With rustic crafts, there are so many project ideas that use some of the same rustic supplies. Because of this, I thought
Pebble Art DIY And Ideas
With a bag of pebbles and some branches, you can create some fun art pieces to hang on the wall. That is exactly what I did to create a rustic tree and bird project. It was really very easy and led me to look for other art projects using pebbles. I'll show you how I