Perfect DIY Christmas Gifts For Teachers, Hostesses And More
When you love to craft, chances are that you also love to give handmade Christmas gifts. It’s a great idea for something that is heartfelt and personal. The only potential problem with making your own Christmas gifts is the extra time it might take. Most of us are extra busy, during the month leading up to Christmas, with decorating, baking and going to parties. Unless you start making your gifts in June, you may be hard-pressed to come up with the time. Luckily, there are plenty of handmade gift ideas that can be completed in no time at all!
Christmas cards are always a welcome greeting each year. They are all so beautiful that it is hard to throw them away when the holiday season is over. Because of this, why not just recycle Christmas cards to make them into some beautiful Christmas decor for the following year? It’s a great way to enjoy those beautiful images year after year.
A rustic style room is easy to achieve when you can make your own home decor. Some materials that are popular to use in rustic DIY projects are salvaged wood and industrial metal. Of course, repurposing vintage items is another easy way to incorporate rustic accents. There are a lot of options for things that you can either make or repurpose. Because of this, I have come up with a huge collection of DIY rustic home decor projects to use for inspiration. Try one of these yourself or modify an idea to fit your own needs.
A well stocked craft room is so nice to have when you get the urge to start creating. Sometimes I figure out what to make based on what supplies I have on hand. With rustic crafts, there are so many project ideas that use some of the same rustic supplies. Because of this, I thought I would come up with a collection of rustic craft supplies that are always good to have on hand.
Out of all the rustic materials to use in craft projects, cement is the most suitable for a modern rustic design style. The cool simplistic look of concrete tends to add a bit of sophistication to a space. There are so many cement crafts that you can do ranging from cement votives to concrete sinks. I thought it would be fun to experiment with a variety of different molds to see what I could make. Because of all the different looks that you can create, playing with cement is very addicting. This collection of DIY cement projects offers plenty of creative inspiration for your home.
You can really never have enough chip clips. I don’t know if it’s just us, but we have a lot of bags open at the same time. Whether it’s chips, nuts, coconut, or another pantry item, the bags all need to be resealed. There is an easy solution though. And, it’s one that is even decorative. You can simply make a whole stash of chip clips by using clothespins that you decorate.
If you are a wine drinker, you may have found yourself saving those decorative wine corks. I know I have! Since they have an appealing look, there is always the possibility that they could be used in another way. In fact, simply displaying your collection in a glass vase or jar can be decorative enough. However, there are lots of other ways to use those leftover wine corks in creative ways. I’ll show you exactly what to do with leftover wine corks in a variety of fun and easy projects. You may even have enough corks to do all of these projects. No matter how many wine cork crafts that I do, I never seem to run out of available wine corks to use!
Making things from small pieces of a wood is a great way to get some easy rustic decor. Whether you use scrap wood, branches, or driftwood, any type of wood is an option to use. I came up with this collection of wood crafts based on their rustic appeal. Since all of the designs are simple, these crafts are quick and easy to make.
When you think of vintage crafts, the first thing that may come to mind is craft projects that were popular in the past. However, that is not what this post is about. Instead, I am focusing on craft projects that use vintage items as part of the material. Things like old paper and fabrics can give a vintage inspired design to anything that you make.
Have you ever noticed how often wood slices are used in rustic decorating? Whether big or small, wood slices add a touch of natural rustic that is hard to compete with. Since there are so many things to do with them, I thought I would put together this collection of fun and easy projects. To start, I’ll show you how I used small wood slices to make decorative rustic clips.
Don’t wait for a brand new year to start your craft room organization. Now is the perfect time to get your work area organized. The sooner you make your craft space functional, the sooner you can get crafting efficiently. It may seem expensive if you think about adding a bunch of new storage solutions. However, a well organized space doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. By making the storage units yourself, you can save a bundle. When you make DIY craft storage from recycled materials, you save even more money. It’s a perfect way to get organized! Organizing with recycled materials serves a double purpose too since you will adding storage from items that you would otherwise throw away or store.
The very reason I ever started creating rustic crafts was to enhance my home decor with some naturally chic elements. My husband and I love the look of birch and wanted to incorporate as much of it as possible into our home. We started with a few rustic craft ideas like birch lamps, candles and picture frames. At first we made these just for ourselves but quickly realized that other people liked them as much as we did. That is when we decided to start making them to sell. You can see all of the details on our birch lamps at my first blog post, DIY Lamps: How To Make A Birch Lamp.